Endoscopic Biliary Stone Extraction

Stone Buster® Stone Crushing Set Pre-assembled

Stone BusterⓇ is a product that offers safety in endoscopic biliary stone extraction and endoscopic biliary lithotripsy. Both stone extraction and stone crushing are possible by combining various devices.

Notification Number:27B1X00058000035
Trade Name:Medi-Globe内視鏡用砕石システム
Marketing Approval Holder:MEDICO’S HIRATA INC.

Certification Number:224ADBZX00021000
Trade Name:Medi-Globe内視鏡用バスケット挿入セット
Marketing Approval Holder:MEDICO’S HIRATA INC.

●Stone BusterⓇ Handle is a handle attached to Medi-Globe devices when crushing stones.
 Unique Twist & Pull method applies necessary force to stones quickly.

●Stone BusterⓇ Basket Insertion Set Pre-assembled can be used in the same way as
 conventional extraction baskets. If stone crushing becomes necessary in the middle of
 stone extraction, you can exchange the outer sheath with the lithotripsy cable and
 perform stone crushing under the endoscope.

●Stone BusterⓇ Stone Crushing Set Pre-assembled is composed of a lithotripsy cable and a
 stone extraction basket.

Medico's Hirata Inc.